Kinds of Riders

Many different people can enjoy and benefit from horseback riding. This website will examine several different types of riders:

  • Children – Several demographics are covered here, such as adolescent girls/boys, behaviorally challenged children, and children with autism. 

  • Older adults 

  • People suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

All of these different demographics find physical, mental, and emotional benefits from riding. Riding works your whole body, and can be a lighter or heavier workout depending on your choice and your horse. 

Horses are big walking hearts, they don’t hide any emotion from you. They don’t judge you or treat you any different from other people. Their emotions are out there for anyone to read; being with an animal so open and apparent is therapeutic in its own way. 

I will conclude this section with taking a look at the risks of riding, which should not be ignored. But they should not scare us off either.

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